Archive for January 8, 2011

Stalker- Clear Sky

Posted: January 8, 2011 in General Maiming

Link to Wiki Entry

Terrific game. But scary. Very scary. I’m kinda enjoying it, but decided to watch a BBC horizons documentary on the area featured in the game, and as my respect for the game designers grows, my fear grows as well. Some very very scary stuff happened around the time I was born. And now its all in a videogame.

Of course, not as scary as the frequency which I run out of ammo in that game.

Graphics are fantastic. Look realistic. Good ambiance.

Gameplay is good too. Just, maybe a little too much for me right now. It’ll give me nightmares. I don’t play F.E.A.R. either. Toooooo scary.

For those of you who know me, you probably know me as broken.

I have tendinitis in my arm, and achilles tendon. There was a time in my life when I was working on a construction site, being really butch and strong. And stupid. Always trying to prove myself in front of the guys. Which led to an accident.

And that little accident left my sniping arm in a brace, and me not touching a computer for 6 months, then only working with the mouse in my left hand. Nowadays, I’m mostly back to normal, except when I’m working too hard.

But I’m still fit enough to kick your ass, gaming or real life. It’s just that, I’ve got to take it easy for a little while and recover. And that means more blogging, more gaming, and less work.Who could complain about that?

But that probably gives you more of a sense of completeness about where I’m coming from, and where I’m going. And I’m going to play Stalker.

I would have loved to have gone into a computer, saved everything, looked great. Etc, etc, etc. But damn, it looked difficult. There were no unfit people in Unreal Tournament, either.

So, as a child, I said to myself, this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to make sure that those things that I want to do, I’m going to be able to do.  Archery, fencing, hiking, canoing, Ultimate frisbee, (soon motorcycles, ooh), and so forth. That’s my commitment to gaming. I’m going to make it real, and be able to save Tron!

He sure was cute in the original. I don’t like the remake. But that’s another discussion.

I would have loved to have gone into a computer, saved everything, looked great. Etc, etc, etc. But damn, it looked difficult. There were no unfit people in Unreal Tournament, either.

So, as a child, I said to myself, this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to make sure that those things that I want to do, I’m going to be able to do.  Archery, fencing, hiking, canoing, Ultimate frisbee, (soon motorcycles, ooh), and so forth. That’s my commitment to gaming. I’m going to make it real, and be able to save Tron!

He sure was cute in the original. I don’t like the remake. But that’s another discussion.

Gaming Food for Thought

Posted: January 8, 2011 in General Maiming

I am just one person, with my own opinions and judgements, and flaws and mistakes. So take this with a, heh heh, grain of salt.

When I first started going to lans, the big thing, the food to keep you going throughout the night was croutons. Yeah, those little bready things from salad. Salt, sugar, and bread. That was supposed to keep you awake enough to play for hours and hours. Of course, my first lan was this big building, and I was the only girl. It was very scary, I was too scared to sleep or get sleepy, for fear of this room full of older men, total strangers, and all the things that could go wrong.

In my hometown, I was once famous for the most amount of junkfood accumulated by a desk. They used to expect me to spill at least one can of energy drink on my keyboard. I used to eat boxes and boxes of Nerds, little candy sugar things. I stayed away from anything wheat, corn, or potato based,probably the only thing that kept me healthy. Still, there was always a crash time.

Nowadays, with my spelt pizzas and healthy chocolate chip beet cookies, I can blame my inability to Lan past midnight to getting older. I’m not a teenager anymore, I gotta go to bed and work in the morning.

Fact is, there’s no good gaming food without consequence. As someone who spends a lot of time at the computer, I gotta be mindful of what I eat, and making sure I excercise, and not eat food late at night, or making sure I don’t snack too much. Although the odd bag of dried pineapple (unsugared unsulphered), does seem kinda okay.

Haven’t gained a pound since I first started gaming. Of course, part of that is that I decided to be fit enough that if Tron were real, and I ended up in a game, I could survive. Hey, wouldn’t you just die of shame if you did end up in a computer, but died right away?