Archive for January 27, 2011

I’m trying out my Plantronics headset.


And remember those games I bought? I get to install them. Plus there is a Home Architect program and a Family Tree maker, I’m sure I can use those somehow.

Okay, here goes the soundcheck….

Testing with the soundtrack to Angel the TV series.

Volume seems okay. Clarity is pretty good. Not ery boomy. My other headset had a usb powered kickass bass. Left-right separation seems good. Better actually than I expected.

Now, try some rap… Fiddle with the equalizer. And still no earshattering kaboom. Probably for the best. My other ones hurt my ears playing too much war type shooters with the loud loud bass. These are really clear.

Not bad for sixty bucks. I tried them on in Future Shop, liked them, but they were sold out. So in another store, I got to meet this awesome storeclerk, who recommended them. So here it is, and reviewed. Not really in a big way. If you want more review type reviews, just comment and tell me.